I love our church's sanctuary. It's beautiful. The only problem is, it's very large, and our congregation is very small. So, this past week, Lisa and I made some changes. Before and after pictures are below.
We turned the sanctuary into 4 separate spaces with the help of homemade room dividers: sanctuary, gathering space, Sunday School room, and storage. The sanctuary is now half the size. A storage space has been added for the removed pews.
A gathering space has been added, and will be used primarily for fellowship. Our fellowship hall is divided into cubicles on Sunday for Sunday School, as our building has no classrooms, so this gives us a space intended to cultivate relationships with each other before and after worship.
A Sunday School room was added to solve the problem we had with a Sunday School class meeting in the sanctuary. People arriving for worship felt they were disrupting the class, and vice versa. So, this solves that.
We unveiled the new changes with a special congregational meeting between worship services this morning.