Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First Year Reflections

One year ago today, I walked into the pastor's study at First UMC of West Newton, PA, and began my journey as a United Methodist minister. I've learned a lot of things in my first year. Here are some of them:

1. Most weeks, it is possible to take a day off.

2. Sometimes the sermons you think are terrible are the ones that really speak to people. Sometimes the sermons you think are great are the ones that fall on deaf ears.

3. It is true: the work of a pastor never ends.

4. No one fully understands how to handle having a pastor younger than their children.

5. The people of West Newton are hospitable and honest.

6. The pastor-DS relationship is the most complicated relationship in the UMC.

7. Christmas Eve at West Newton UMC is the most beautiful fire code violation I have ever seen.

8. Administering the Lord’s Supper is one of the greatest joys of this vocation.

9. It’s not as difficult as I thought to come up with a new sermon every week.

10. I miss eating lunch in Brooks Commons with my seminary friends.

11. I would be lost, confused, and always busy without a secretary. I am blessed to have Terry.

12. Walking to work every day is AWESOME.

13. I’m balding. Quickly.

14. If I haven’t taken the time to read scripture as well as a variety of religious writing, I’ve turned my brain off and have rendered myself useless to my congregation.

15. There’s no sense calling ourselves Christians if we focus on the FEAR and CONFUSION of the world rather than the HOPE found in Jesus Christ our Lord.

16. I love the town of West Newton, as well as the people of our congregation.

17. I'm up for another year here, and according to the SPRC, the DS, and the bishop, everyone else is on board too. Let's go!


  1. On the balding, right? We can shine each others heads one day...

  2. It's encouraging to read this as I begin my 3rd week as a paster. Blessings to you, Erik. I miss eating lunch with you in BC!

  3. As I think about possibly serving a church a year from now, it's helpful to read stuff like this. Thanks.
